Monday, April 06, 2009

Construction workers

On Friday afternoon I had some time on my hands and went to see the builders (and the building of course:) at the construction site. Was informed by the architect who coordinates everything that they work every day from 8-5 and on Fridays to 4pm. Yeah right. When I arrived there all excited (in more than one year I fantasized about my new flat, but haven't actually seen it "live" yet) I found the building site deserted and locked up. What a bummer! So I promptly informed the architect that no wonder that the moving-in is delayed 2 months when nobody works there. Today the manager called me (hey, it pays off to complain!) to explain that the plaster had to dry (yeah, nice try for an excuse) and when would I like to come and visit? Yesssss! On Thursday morning I get to see my flat for the first time! I am extremely excited. Look fw to pics people.


Anonymous said...

Moving in delayed for two months? Until when? Housewarming party?

Witchbitch said...

Current moving in plan is early September, but I wouldn't place a bet...

Housewarming hopefully later in September, worst case October.