Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Toilet paper

Not to read for the faint-hearted (or men!). I come from the North. In the North we have proper toilet paper, or rather had. Things have changed now when everything is available. Not always for the better. In the old days when I used to take charter-trips to Spain and Italy I was presented with paper without any sort of ability to absorb liquid. Which is not so nice when you're in the bathroom kinda expecting the paper to indeed absorb. Anyway, I regress. What I wanted to object to is that toilet paper usually is too soft. The softer the better seems to be the name of the game these days. Fuck that I say. If you're a woman you do not have a protruding genitalia but one that goes inside you. Soft toilet paper will leave soggy little remnants that you really do not want residing in your pants. Why is it that we think that soft toilet paper is good? Ok, I agree that the non-absorbing variant is no good, but a reasonable piece of paper that actually does the job, why is that bad? I really do not want a "Bambi" toilet paper where you need to use 2 meters of paper wrapped up into a ball in order to dry yourself. And I certainly do not need the pieces staying stuck. Think I may start a facebook-group called "Real toilet paper to the people!". Wanna join?


John said...

Have to agree with you on this one! Softness is for bathrobes! Soft TP..just doesn't do what its supposed to matter what your sex. Its too fluffy to be "effective" :)

Witchbitch said...

Thank you! I knew we'd agree on this one.