Monday, June 29, 2009


My favourite evening contains going out with women, and home with a man. Both happened last Saturday.
First we met in town for dinner, which was only the basis for what happened next.
Then a visit to the piano bar, where we managed to sing along to the music, making people cover their ears. One of the women (actually we were 6 women and 1 man, but he's regarded metrosexual so he was allowed with) brought this powder we had at Halloween last year, which you mix with vodka in your mouth shaking your head vigorously, then swallow. It's disgusting, but does the trick.
When we annoyed enough people there we decided to continue the evening at a friends place, the one who has a karaoke machine, hurray! On the way there 3 of the women managed to get thrown out of a taxi (I personally think it was because of the singing, what else could it be?) after only 2 minutes ride, but thankfully I was in the other taxi.
There we continued singing until dawn. It was a real good party!


Anonymous said...

Just wish Sunday was as much fun!! Haha! Great night - thanks for the record of the evening :o)

Witchbitch said...

Just so that you'd remember how fun it is in Zürich!

John said...

...and that's John Lennon on the screen. Perfect Karoake song. Did you guys set dogs barking with your version..or was it beautiful? ;)



Witchbitch said...

It was as far from beautiful as you can imagine (pun intended!). We're all tonedeaf.