Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Two contestants

So there were two guys looking at the flat tonight. One is American and a friend of a friend type of person. He was curiously interested in ceilings, how high they were. I had to measure in cm's which he later would convert to inches. If it would've been me, I would just have looked at the ceilings. He didn't seem overly interested though, but I gave him a form anyway. The other guy was Swiss, and had been looking for a flat for a long time. He came recommended from the maintenance company, and after the initial impression (a bit nerdy) he actually turned out to be nice. And very very interested. He asked me not to put the flat on homegate. I have a feeling he really wants the place. He even offered me to stay another few weeks, and if this wasn't Switzerland I would considering being bribed. And there were lots of people looking at the other flat in the building tonight. I was told any flat put on the market attracs 50-200 potential customers. Ain't bad huh?

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