Tuesday, November 22, 2011

6 years

Today I have blogged for 6 years exactly, and I dunno how many items I have written about having an opinion.

This is what I wrote exactly 6 years ago:

"Today was the day I created a blog
I know, I'm late. "Everybody" else is already on it. I guess it's the same way as I was late in getting a microwave back in the 80's. Perhaps I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat in trying new things.

So, why does everybody blog? A way to share things with your friends? A way to get published without cost? A kick of getting to see your words in print in public? Perhaps all of the above, and more. Who cares?

Anyway, now I'm here. And if you like what you read, let me know, and even more important, if you don't.

So today was the day I created a blog. Nothing other in particular has happened today. Here in Zürich it is cold and miserable, and a day for staying in, lighting candles and think about how happy I am for having a home that's warm and comfortable. Or a home at all for that matter.

Even here in Zürich, in one of the richest cities in the world, there are homeless people. Imagine that!

Guess I don't know where this is going, am as said new to blogging, so give me some space and I'll be back!!!"

And back I am. Many, many times.

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