Sunday, November 06, 2011

The evil witch

That's me. I want you to remember that. Ever since I got accused of being "soft" at my party (yes, and you know who you are, you have to make up for it big-time if you are ever to be invited again!), I have thought of a way to prove my witchiness.

Yes, I have become one of these women with too much time on her hands, keeping track of the neighbours. Ha! Today I found a football (!) and a shoebox (!) in our trash container. And please remember that you're only allowed to put paid-for Zürisäcke in there, otherwise the Swiss trash police will track you down and (hopefully) throw you in jail. Water and bread my friend!

Currently making sure it wasn't somebody in our house (pretty sure it wasn't but getting confirmation just the same), then I will KILL'm! Figuratively speaking of course.

Considering taking on my witch outfit, then stand in my window until I see one of the white trash next door, and shout "TRASH POLICE!". Bet that'll teach'm.

PS. Just got email from lawyer neighbour "Let's prosecute!". Yessss! My thoughts exactly.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, you've become more Swiss than the bloody Swiss!! Monitoring the rubbish bins, oh dear, oh dear

Witchbitch said...

I KNOW! Sad, ain't it?