Sunday, November 20, 2011

All food is good

I don't understand people who doesn't like certain food. What's not to like?

I really want to send them all to a Robinson competition. Put them on a deserted island, and let them survive to whatever they can find or catch to eat during a month. That should teach'm!


Anonymous said...

are you trying to claim you like every single kind of food? I don't believe you.
There's a big difference between eating for survival and our usual lives, we might as well enjoy our food if we have the choice, as most of us to

Witchbitch said...

It's just that I'm cooking for some really picky people tonight, don't like this, don't like that, can't stand the smell of whatever. It irritates me.

Anonymous said...

fair enough, that is annoying. I get not liking some foods but people who don't like so many different types of food to the point where its difficult to come up with any options, well, you kinda get inclined just not to invite them

Witchbitch said...

Like vegetarians :)?

Anonymous said...

I never find that a problem ;), nor do I find it a problem cooking for people who always want meat. besides, that's not a question of not liking a food.

Witchbitch said...

I suppose one could look at it as a challenge, rather than a problem. But it's my blog and I like to bitch about things:).