Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Baking paper

I have a friend, who is, how-shall-I-put-it, a tiny bit more oldfashioned than I am. She saves baking paper after having used it once.

I am not a big consumer of baking paper but I think a roll costs less than 2 francs, and a roll for me lasts "forever".

But I have taken on saving wine wrapping paper/boxes. It can always be used for re-gifting. Gosh, I am really getting old!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My baking paper is never reusable - usually by the time my stuff is baked the baking paper is all browned at the edges and got cake or cheese or whatever stuck to it.

I do tend to keep gift bags, but they always just collect in the cupboard and get forgotten about and so are never used again.