Friday, November 11, 2011


Have to admit, I had to google this word. Corn.

About 10 years ago I got this thingie on my foot. It is on the inside left, and it is a bit of hard skin. I immediately thought it was a wart, which I had twice before and one got burned when that was in fashion, and the other one got freezed. Both disappeared.

Anyway, went to the doc and she told me it wasn't a wart. So what was it then? Turned out to be a corn. She told me I must've been exposed to something hard on my foot, and developed this piece of hard skin to resist the repetition of rubbing against the same spot. Told her I hadn't.

But after a while I realized I had a pair of shoes, where a small piece of plastic was still stuck inside it, and that had caused the problem. That I still have.

It doesn't cause any pain, but I find myself often trying to remove the little piece of protruding skin on that particular spot. When removed, I forget about it for another couple of months, then I'm there again with my finger nails.

Guess there are bigger problems to worry about.

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