Thursday, February 09, 2012

Double pay

Sometimes my aunt buys films and books for me and send it through the post. I of course reimburse her, and last time I did I got logged out in the end of the transfer on internetbanking without getting a confirmation. So I logged in again and completed the transaction.

My aunt got back to me, saying I paid twice. Not a big issue, she's gonna send stuff to me again and we can just deduct the money, but I was irritated.

Today I logged on to the internetbank again, and saw that I had two transactions with the same reference number! That is the first time in all the years that I used internetbanking that something went wrong.

Decimal man from tonight thought it would be a good idea to claim the money (well one of the transactions) back, but I reckon they would just reverse the transaction and then I would have to pay my aunt once again.

But it's interesting. How can a computer system log the same transaction number twice without anybody reacting?

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