Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A nice day

A friend of mine was visiting today, and I find it quite amazing that whenever we meet we have long conversations that are interesting. There is never a shortage of topics.

And today she brought a steam-cleaner (I just have to get one myself!), so now the balcony floor is immaculate. One can almost eat directly off it.

I was told it can also be used for window-cleaning, which I'm sure my cleaning lady will appreciate.

Going shopping for one soon.

But then my balcony door wouldn't close properly, so went to fetch my neighbour. And sure enough, he fixed it in no time. And over a glass of wine we talked about raising children. A topic both of us are experts in, him with his 4 kids and I who remember what it was like being one.

We both agreed that children need borders and rules, and to learn what is right and wrong. Pretty common sense if you ask me, but both of us have seen the opposite. No wonder so many young ones grow up to become criminals these days, if they have been taught that everything is allowed!

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