Thursday, February 16, 2012

My third own home

When we broke up I was lucky enough to find a flat through contacts of the family (only time I got something through contacts!). It was in a city further up the coast, and since I had just started an education there, it was perfect.

It was a 2-room flat with a tiny hallway (but a mirror wall made it look bigger), a small toilet, kitchen, living room and bedroom. I had a fridge but no freezer, so in wintertime I used to freeze my icecream by hanging it out the window in a plastic bag.

I ended up living there for about 5 years, and had a very good time even though the town was pretty small. We danced a lot these days, and my love life was a movable feast. So many young goodlooking men, so little time!


Anonymous said...

that's sarcasm about the contacts right?
So you could only eat ice-cream in winter?

Witchbitch said...

Nope, no sarcasm. I never had any help thru contacts before or after. Everything I accomplished was due to my own efforts.

Well, I could eat icecream in summer but only if I bought it in a shop. Couldn't store it.

Which reminds me, I did eat icecream once a week. That was my treat to myself, after not being able to afford any other food than spaghetti and crisp bread while I was studying. But that deserves its own blog item.

Anonymous said...

well, I dont believe you about the contacts, in fact I can think of a particular example involving Whirlpool/Bauknecht. but it doesn't mean not accomplishing stuff through own efforts, and perhaps you mean it in a different way than I do. almost everthing in life can go better through having networks and contacts and its defintiely a lot of effort maintaining those networks

Witchbitch said...

I agree, but the Whirlpool contact was my own, and not thru the person you think.

But I was actually more thinking about career and living quarters, the big stuff, and it's possible I've forgotten something. Let's see what comes to mind when I continue to blog about my homes.