Sunday, February 26, 2012

Energy vs inner peace

I have a friend who is full of energy, and needs a channel. On the other hand, she feels she lacks inner peace.

I wish we could swap some of that. I have inner peace, but not a lot of energy.

Sometimes I wish I had a project again, like when I bought my apartment. It took a lot of energy and time, but in a positive way. So even though I'm dreadfully happy (strange expression!) in my place, a part of me wish it was still underway. Weird, ain't it?


Anonymous said...

I find that too - the more I don't have projects to put energy into the less energy I have to come up with a new project. The tricky part is finding something interesting or necessary enough to get you motivated to start.

Witchbitch said...

Wish I could afford to buy another place, fix it up, then sell it with a profit.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm thinking there's not much in the way of bargain property in Switzerland.
Besides, thought you weren't really the renovation type?

Witchbitch said...

Not renovation, a new-build that I could design.

Anonymous said...

ah, but I dont think you can really make a profit out of that. surely most people who buy new build either want it to be to their own design or are going to rent it out and thus don't really care.

Witchbitch said...

I don't think it's realistic anyway. Need to start playing the lottery first.