Monday, February 13, 2012

My second own home

When I was 19 going on 20 I met this guy. He was 6 years older than me, and we were on the same wavelength. Guess I've always been older in my head than what my passport was showing. Still am, if you ask me.

So I left my hometown. Mind you, not for him, but since I wanted to for many years already. My home town must have been the most boring city ever. Not sure it still is, but back then there was actually nothing to do. And to give an example, the local football team match was the highlight. And I hate football. Not hate it-hate it, but think it's boring as hell kinda hate it.

Moved to another city at the coast. We bought a flat together, think we paid the whopping price of about 1,500 francs. But of course we shared the bill. It was a chain house, and we had a cat. It was like playing family at an early age.

Needless to say it didn't last. We ended up selling the place after just a year. But in hindsight I have good memories of the guy, and it was fun as long as it lasted, even though I probably miss the cat more.


Anonymous said...

Wow, so domestic at such a young age!
When I was 18 I also met a guy 6 years older than me, but while he bought a house, I didn't partake - I think we were both too much commitment phobes to buy it together. That and I had no money ;). That relationship didn't work out either, although it was a lot longer than 1 year.

Witchbitch said...

I know, I was very responsible already back then. Sounds boring really, but we had a lot of fun too.