Monday, February 13, 2012

My first own home

When I was 19 I moved away from my parents, well I think I was 18 just going on 19. And I bought a flat! Imagine that, buying a flat at that early age. Impressive, isn't it. Think I paid all of the equivalent of 450 francs for it!

It was a small 2-room apartment, and my parents had saved a little money for me which I got to pay for furniture. So had a sofa from Ikea (still have one, but not the same, that would be a bit too much), some old chairs inherited from god knows who, a cheapo bed and other necessities. My first own home. It was a good feeling.

Well, at least until I realized that no longer did toothpaste, toilet paper and food come for free. I had to pay it myself. What a shock!

But I recovered, and about a year later I sold it with 100% profit! Which as I recall it, I forgot to tell the tax man. And as far as I know that was the first and only time I did something illegal.


Anonymous said...

It is impressive! When I was 19 I spent all my money on beer and travel. Not that there were any 450 buck flats going anywhere near where I lived

Witchbitch said...

Should've bought many, many more flats back then. Would've been rich now.