Thursday, May 02, 2013

Shopping bags

When I was young plastic shopping bags were free, and some of them are still today. Like shopping bags for clothes and other stuff, but food bags cost.

I saw a consumer program and apparently the shops are making a fortune for selling these plastic bags. I myself always bring a bag to the shop. I bought one for 2 francs, one in Migros and one in Denner, and after several years I still use the same. Always bring them with me. And I even have the blue bags from Ikea and the orange plant bags from Coop, using them every time.

So even if the expert, probably paid by the plastic industry, claimed that plastic was better than paper, I still believe in re-using the same one over and over again.

But ok, using tiny leftover small bars of soap, making them melt into a bigger one, is maybe going over the top. But I cannot help it, I was brought up that way.

And I do believe in saving mother Earth, and at the same time saving money. A win-win as they call it nowadays.


Anonymous said...

he he, remember when I had that argument with the Tally Weij (sp?) chick about how the paper bags were actually the least environmentally friendly option, oh dear. Its true though, but only because the paper bags tend to not get re-used, disintegrate if they get wet, and paper takes a shitload of energy and water to produce plus all the stuff that goes into the shiny advertising shops put on paper bags.

Witchbitch said...

But at least paper bags disintegrate, how is that working with plastic?

Anonymous said...

here they burn the rubbish I think so the decomposing doesn't help a lot. Don't get me wrong though, I'm no plastic fan just a fan of being smart about what really is and isnt more environmentally sound.

Witchbitch said...

Amen to that.