Saturday, May 24, 2014

Another three?

It is funny. For the first time I was under my goal weight this morning. Not the first time I've been this "skinny" but haven't been at this weight in eleven years. And that was because my Mum died and I lost my appetite, and was skinny for a while.

I always thought that when I reach the goal I'm gonna treat myself to something. Like getting my hair done or similar. Thing is I hate people touching my hair, but I know that after it looks better.

So am hesitating. Especially since I now want to set another goal, another 3 kg's would be nice. But it's getting harder and harder, 'cause I don't want to sacrifice everything. Like if a friend brings chocolate, you can be sure I'm gonna eat it. My wine in the evening is a no-no touch. And I'm not willing to starve myself, or am suddenly feeling a need to run a marathon. So not my MO.

So we'll see. I've given myself to the end of the year to lose these 3 kg's, and if I don't, I'm not gonna lie sleepless. Life is too good to fret about little things.

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