Friday, May 16, 2014

Coop joke

Found a photo from a friend cooking in my kitchen the other day. He had a paper bag from the shop saying "Dein Appetit hat fernweh". I know many words in German, and all of these, but still I couldn't get it to make sense.

Dein (your) Appetit (appetite) hat (had) fernweh (hmmm...fern means away from and weh means pain). My friend explained it like it is better to buy food from local suppliers than from ditto far away. Which I agree with. However, Coop certainly provides food from all over the world so I fail to take this so called marketing as serious.

Conclusion is: say what you mean and act thereafter.


Anonymous said...

Nah, this is an ad for their Karma range, which is all international (and vegetarian) meals. fernweh basically translates to 'itchy feet', or desire to travel.


Witchbitch said...

Aha, and that I don't have. Getting itchy feet as soon as I have to leave zone 10 in Zürich :).

Anonymous said...

that's the opposite: 'heimweh' ;)

Witchbitch said...

I meant itchy feet, not "itchy feet" :).