Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Protection for adults

Was up at the crack of dawn this morning (6.10!), had signed up for a course. It turned out to be really interesting. It was about...and here it gets difficult to translate....but from guardian to protection for adults. I know, it's difficult to understand but it's about people who cannot take care of themselves and need somebody to help them. Various degrees of course.

And as always in Switzerland things take time. The new law that was effective from January last year, replaced a law from 1907.

The current law began to be discussed in 1998, and it took 15 years to bring it through all the authorities it needed here in Switzerland. But still, all the 26 cantons have interpreted it differently and consequently the law is not the same in all cantons. I guess you could say that direct democracy has its disadvantages.

There are four stages, and I cannot explain them in English, but it goes from somebody who needs a little help with decisions to somebody who cannot make any decisions themselves at all.

I think the main change was that earlier it was a bit too easy to say that somebody wasn't "sane", and now it takes more to declare a person "insane", and also that now it requires professionals to make the distinction. Plus that there is a cantonal body to oversee any irregularities.

And I learned a lot. Now I know what nZGB is for example :).

PS. nZGB = neues Zivilgesetzbuch.


Anonymous said...

You're not planning on going gaga just yet I hope! ;)


Witchbitch said...

Gee thanks. NOT! No, I was actually thinking of becoming a "guardian" myself.