Monday, May 26, 2014


Today a friend of mine picked up some shelves I had in the basement and no longer had use for. I was really looking forward to this, since it meant I had enough space to clean out my basement and if not make it pretty, at least make it functional and using the space.

But after hoovering like a quarter of it, I caved in. There were so many dead spiders I couldn't take it anymore. I have a severe case of phobia for spiders, so even if they are dead, I felt ill and stopped.

Now I'm gonna have to get encouraged and doing the rest. Might not be tomorrow, but I'll get there in the end.


Anonymous said...

oh dear, how can one be afraid of dead spiders! I'm sure your handy cleaning-loving friend could help you out.


Witchbitch said...

It's hovering in the back of my mind :).