Sunday, May 18, 2014

My body is my temple?

You know, this losing weight business is tricky. Since months I have done sports 25 minutes in the morning and most evenings another session of 25 minutes. However, lately my knee has started to feel a bit funny, so on Friday I decided to skip the evening session. Had absolutely nothing to do with the food and wine consumed :).

The result was that I lost 600 g the morning after. What? Ok, so on Saturday I decided that I had discovered a new way of this getting-healthy-business and thought, wtf, I'm gonna miss the evening session once again.

Lost another 300 g.

However, I have a funny feeling that this won't go on forever. Especially after today, when I spent the whole day with friends in the sun eating and drinking, and then later on my balcony keeping on doing just that.

And another thing that is strange. I am like 100 grams away from my ideal weight, but I cannot seem to get under it. One day I'm almost there, the next day I'm up half a kg or more.

This losing weight business is all about endurance. Good thing I have it!

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