Friday, May 16, 2014

Cleaning help

One of my friends was visiting today, and I asked him to help me clean a few windows. Reason is the sofa needs two people to move, and I wanted to prepare for my cleaning lady. He not only helped me to move the sofa, but also helped me clean more windows than I was planning to do today. Including the two that have never been cleaned, since they need to be screwed open.

Then we were sitting down for a well-deserved ciggie, and he remarked that the thingie under my armchair was dusty. My response? "Feel free".

He then asked if there was something else needed to be done while he was in the mood. Haha, of course. Next up was the fan.

I then started to feel a bit bad, so he only had to do the thingie in the ceiling in the know where the air goes out. Hadn't been cleaned since I moved in.

And then of course he got fed. Chili chicken wings with baked potatoes and salad with homemade dressing. Plus he got home with six lunchboxes that I prepared for him earlier in the week.

Win-win as we call it.

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