Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Freak magnet

My Mum was a freak magnet. That means that everybody a bit odd was drawn to her. Maybe because she never judged, and was kind to people in general. I don't think I can be accused of that.

However, since yesterday a car is parked almost in front of our house, on the side of a driveway belonging to the neighbouring house. I of course thought they had visitors, even though nobody ever parks there. Only I thought it odd to see the man still sitting there after several hours.

Didn't think more about it, until this morning when the car was still there. And so was the man. Just sitting there in the drivers seat. Once in a while going out and digging in the neighbours garden. Hmmm.

An hour later I looked out again, and saw him sitting there masturbating! WTF so to speak? Not that I saw the wurstli, but I saw the movements and him taking a napkin and drying himself off after.

I hesitate to call the police, since they should be busy with more important things, but on the other hand I'm thinking the man is dement or psychologically ill or something. Living in a car doesn't seem normal to me. Especially not in my hood.

Nah, I'm gonna wait until my neighbours come home and then talk to them about what to do.


Anonymous said...

egad! creepy. maybe you should knock on his window and ask what he is doing there, that might scare him off. On the other hand, if you're right about him being mentally ill, might be a bit risky.


Witchbitch said...

Car left yesterday evening. Now we're keeping an eye out that he doesn't come back.