Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I may appear as a wee bit stubborn to some people, and it made me remember a time in school when I was around 11 or 12. We had gymnastics, and were asked to "sit" against a wall, without a chair, with the knees at a 90° angle. The one who could "sit" the longest got to leave the class 10 minutes early.

Guess who won. I "sat" for 10 minutes.

Today I tried again, but not sitting against a wall. I tried bending my knees at a 45° angle for one minute. It hurt. I got this burning sensation. So this will be my new challenge, to stay for up to 10 minutes. That'll take a while...

And another thing. I can do 50 push-ups without a problem now, not involving the knees, but when I tried flexing my arms 90° outwards from my body using my 450g weights I got the same burning feeling in my arms.

This exercise thingie ain't easy.

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