Sunday, May 11, 2014

Just shoot'm?

It is interesting with new friends. Like there isn't enough time to find out about them. Talk, talk, talk and wow, you're surprised 'cause you (read I) thought they were gonna agree with you and then they didn't.

Among many other things today we talked about the upcoming vote in Switzerland. Which I had no friggin clue about, 'cause I cannot. Vote that is. One is about Switzerland buying fighter planes from Sweden. We both agreed that's a no-no. Big waste of money.

The second one was about pedophiles. This is where the conversation got a bit hairy. I was taking the stand of that they should be shot, or at least castrated, whereas he (a friggin lawyer!) thought there were degrees of pedophilia.

And ok, I read about this young guy, 16 or something in the US, who were having sex with a minor girl and his name got posted as being a pedophile on the internet as they do in America. Not what would qualify as a pedophile in my mind.

My friend thinks that pedophiles are to be compared to heterosexuals or homosexuals. That is you don't choose your sexuality. And we agreed that they cannot be treated. It's not a disease.

But, I still want to shoot people who abuse children, even if I don't like them myself. Children that is. But I do see the difference of a disturbed man who shows his "manhood" versus one that rapes a child.

And then we discussed the cost for the society to either keep the man in custody, the chances he would have to adjust to a normal tax-paying life after the sentence is served, versus keeping him there for a life sentence.

Seems like an odd conversation to have on a Saturday evening, but it was very interesting. And my friend cooked a really good curry.


Anonymous said...

by that logic, a person who attacks and rapes another adult can't help it, it's their sexuality? What a load of total crap!

However, I would not vote for the paedophile initiative if I could vote, but that's rather because I think its tries to give a very simplistic answer to a very complicated question and would not work.


Witchbitch said...

No, that's not what he meant.

I believe they are voting whether pedophiles should be allowed to work with children. Absolutely not if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

yep, I don't know what he meant, only what you wrote.

The initiative is to automatically ban people who have been convicted of any kind of sexual abuse against children and 'dependent people' from working (paid or voluntary) with children or 'dependent people' ever again. Agree, on the face of it it sounds like a good idea, but it leaves no room for discretion - say in the case of your exhibitionist or 16 year old. It also gives a false sense of security about protection. and these kind of initiatives are almost always too black and white. Plus there are already laws banning pedophile working with kids.
anyhoo, I can't vote so my opinion is moot.

Witchbitch said...

That's the thing, 'cause I cannot vote either, therefore I'm only relying what I'm told. Haven't read up on it enough.