Sunday, January 28, 2007


One of my Swiss friendgirls is taking English classes. Her company pays for it. Consequently her boss is taking an interest in the development of her language skills, so every morning in the office she shows him how much she has learned by translating my blog into German! Oh dear. This means he's updated on my life, and I haven't even met the guy. Perhaps I should charge him :)??


Anonymous said...

Hello my dear.... ;o) Greeting from my boss ;o)

Witchbitch said...

Tell him he owes me a drink :)

Anonymous said...


Why are you bothering about. How many people read your blog (stats see next post above) you don't know....

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

True, since her boss knows what going on in my life without even logging on to my blog. Could be more readers than one from one pc.