Monday, January 15, 2007


I have to be more forward. The other day I was shopping in Coop, and this little old lady was standing in front of me in the queue. I could see that she had hidden some items behind her bag (and under her crutch) in the shopping cart. While I was discussing with myself (she's an old sick lady, she probably needs it...maybe she has done it without thinking about it (yeah, right)...perhaps she will discover it when having paid (yeah, right II)...and so forth until she was through and it was my turn. Having seen her later, I realized it was totally deliberate on her part, which means that next time I see something similar I will tell. After all, it's stealing and even if I'm sure Coop can afford it, the people who work there for very little money cannot. Thieves come in all shapes and sizes!


Anonymous said...

old people are always the sneakiest, they get away with more because people dont suspect them and we have to respect our elders (not that I'm saying we shouldnt). but you seriously want to dob in an old woman for steaing a few things from a Coop?
as someone who previously spent 5 years as on of those people 'working for very little money' in a Coop equivalent, dotn be surprised if the staff there dont thank you for telling them about the thief. its a crappy job and all you want is to get through the shift with as few problems as possible having to accuse someone of stealing a few groceries and deal with it is just too much trouble

Witchbitch said...

A thief is a thief is a thief. And since "my" Coop has the same staff since ages I'm sure they'd know what to do. Besides, I could have been nice and just told old woman that she had "forgotten"...