Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yes I did

Go out. The observant reader may have seen the label on the in or out post. Very happy I did. Met R, T, S and some other people I cannot remember the names of. I learned a lot this evening. Things like "spängler" (not entirely sure what it means since it's not in my dictionary but it's some kind of working with your hands) have smaller dicks than people working on roofs. I'm sure that one day this information will come in handy. That R, 30 years old, wanted to come home with me. Told him why eat hamburgers, when I have beef at home. Of course using flatmate as excuse. Which led to me laughing, since flatmate doesn't have any meat on his bones. R looked confused. Also learned that men speak about feelings. Well sort of. Overheard (difficult to miss, since they were standing on both my sides) a conversation about Swiss women being more difficult than German. Oh yeah? Have to be honest and admit I didn't know. The Swiss guy was telling me in great detail how you have to accept people like they are in every country. Yes, absolutely. And then he proceeded to tell me how honest he was when in Brazil. He really told them off, and they couldn't accept his honest opinion. Really? The 18-yearold-look-like put his arm around me and wanted to dance. I wanted to say I'm not a pedophile, and actually did, at which time S told that dancing is not about age. How right he was. Only the 18 yearold was drunk as a skunk, hence the reason not to dance. Like I said, I learn new things every day :)

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