Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My time management got a bit screwed up last Monday. Was phoning my cousin, who asked to phone back later. Fine. In the meantime I decided to send a few sms's. Then a friendgirl called, and as usual we talked for quite a long time. Like an hour or so, no big deal. Just hang up, and then cousin called back quite irritated "I have tried 6 times!". Well what could I say? I tried first, he wasn't available. When you wait for something good...etc etc. And just when he called I realized I was missing Desperate housewives! Drama, drama. So was trying to keep an eye on the telly, and at the same time concentrating on dialogue with cousin. Difficult (despite being a woman :). And it was nakedness this week on Desp h-w! Darn! Now I gotta wait for somebody to buy the second season, so that I can enjoy it all (I see a long hungover weekend before me, with lotsa comfort food and the whole season to watch). It's like the cliché that when you wait for the phone to ring it never does, but when you're busy it's ringing off the hook.

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