Sunday, January 21, 2007


So went to my boat to check that everything was all right today. It was, except for a little water on the cover which I fixed. Was also bringing some old bread and my chocolate cake from 3 weeks ago that nobody ate (that should really give me a hint never ever to bake again!) in order to feed the birds. Fuckin' ungrateful bastards. Even the seagulls ignored it. They didn't see it was my first thought, so I threw it up high up in the air (remembering when I had gymnastics in school, throwing those little brown balls as far as one could). That didn't help. Finally a small birdie approached, but even she (he?) ignored the stale bread I was offering. Eventually a pigeon enjoyed my chocolate cake. I'm telling ya. Seeing that pigeons have NO brains whatsoever. I AM NEVER BAKING EVER AGAIN!

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