Saturday, February 24, 2007


Was speaking to my aunt this afternoon. Told her I'm going on a diet on Monday. Mainly because I have to breath in in order to close my pants. She couldn't stop laughing. "I've done that for years". Hmmm. Perhaps the solution is to buy bigger pants :) PS. Can you see that I already start to make excuses...?


Anonymous said...

I told myself I wouldnt buy any new clothes until I lost some weight - those mirrors and lights in change room are so harsh. as a result I havent bought any new clothes in quite along time.

Witchbitch said...

Wanna join me on the diet thing?

Anonymous said...

I've been trying already - but clearly not hard enough. but yep, from today more exercise less eating - but I say that every monday.

Witchbitch said...

Good luck to us both!