Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More presents

Got two sms's and an email with Happy Valentine's Day wishes. Thank you! This I will bring to my dinner date today: 2 bottles of Prosecco. One ceramic bowl (that I got myself as a present once and that is really ugly) filled with dried flower leaves (bought at IKEA last week). This guy always claimed that the toilet smells like roses when he's been there. For the first time it can.


Anonymous said...

re-gifting, shame on you!

Witchbitch said...

He's a man, he wouldn't know the difference :)...only he did recognize the bowl (gift from my previous cleaning lady).

Mostly however he was worried that his friends would think he's now gay :)

Anonymous said...

... to bad, does this guy have really problems with gay? he might be afraid of turning to be the one which find guy/gays handsome and sexy...

Witchbitch said...

Somehow I don't think so. Happen to know he's pure hetero :)