Thursday, February 22, 2007

No exercise

Excellent news. No need for exercise to lose weight. Just have to eat less. My kinda girl.


Anonymous said...

i can vouch for that, after 4 months of exercise I havent lost any weight. The problem is i cant seem to eat less. exercise is much easier to do than eating less for me. although i think drinking less is what I probably need, but cant seem to do.

Witchbitch said...

Ok, so we are friends. Only different. I have no problem eating less (or so I would like to think...take away the chocolate pls) but the exercise I just don't do. Any more. The drinking? Of course I do. Are you telling me this is ze problem?

Anonymous said...

I dont know if its a problem for you, but I'm pretty sure its a problem for me. I dont get calories and kilojoules and all that but apparantley (according to the XXXX brewery - a reliable source of info if ever there was one) 1 beer needs half an hour of brisk walking to work off - just thinking about all the hours of exercise needed to offset my average weekend beer intake is scary

Witchbitch said...

I'm more of a wine girl myself, is wine as bad as beer?