Thursday, February 22, 2007


Despite me not looking in the mirror very often I am starting having trouble getting my pants on. This is not good, considering summer will be here in a few months. And I'd like getting into my bikini this year thank you very much. So Monday is the day to start a diet. Diet will consist of eating normally, except less, avoid sweets and will most definitely include wine when I feel like it. Otherwise will be too boring, and I will not continue. I can be really strong-willed when I want to, but it must be something I really am passionate for. Diet is not one of them. However, since am not in my prime years any more perhaps have to make more of an effort. I have flatmate's comment vividly in mind from yesterday, when he was looking through old photo albums of mine "wow, you were a stunner". I think the trigger here was "were" :)


Anonymous said...


Greetings to your flatmate. He should have finished the sentence.

You were a stunner but today you are so .... (something very nice should follow)

Ze German :-))

Witchbitch said...

Yes that would've been nice...