Saturday, February 24, 2007

More questions

If there is one blog item I'm sure to get at least one comment, this is it :)...but I'd be happy if more of you readers would share your views. Tell me about something you love. Men. Most of the time. Tell me about something you hate. Narrow-minded people. Tell me about something you really care about. If somebody my brother, if something my well-being. Tell me about someone you dislike. GW Bush. And Bin Laden. Tell me about a dream you've had. The hammock flying. Tell me about a goal you have. To retire. Tell me about yourself. I’m Annika, that’s all you need to know :) Tell me about your childhood. Happy. Tell me about something you believe in. Myself if somebody, self confidence if something. Tell me about a place you've visited. The great barrier reef. Tell me about an accident you've seen. A woman run over by a car in Italy. I was about 4 years old but still remember. Tell me about a time when you were happy. Such a difficult question, but I laughed 10 minutes ago when I was talking to my aunt on the phone. Tell me about a time when you were sad. No. Tell me about a time when you were excited. When I was flying an air balloon. Tell me about a time when you were frightened. When one of my ex’s was driving. Tell me about your favorite pastime. Going out. Tell me about chocolate. Mmm, prefer not to, am dieting on Monday… Tell me about something with four legs. Miaow. Tell me about the hardest thing you ever had to do. Nope, not ready to talk about that. Tell me about a time you lied. Where should I start? Tell me about something you regret. All the times I hurt people without meaning to. Tell me about a mistake you made. Blog not big enough. Tell me about someone you envy? Nelson Mandela.


Anonymous said...

what's the big deal about admitting a time when you were sad?

Witchbitch said...

Big deal to me, depending on degree of sadness.

Where are your answers?

Anonymous said...

Tell me about something you love. My generous, funny, friendly, easy-going, honest, somewhat balding but beautiful man.

Tell me about something you hate. Senseless violence and aggression especially towards those unable to defend themselves

Tell me about something you really care about. The happiness and well-being of my family and friends

Tell me about someone you dislike. He’s arrogant, condescending, a bully and a liar and revels in making other people (usually his juniors) feel small and unintelligent

Tell me about a dream you've had. The hitchhiking witch

Tell me about a goal you have. Buying a lovely house/apartment in a place I want to live

Tell me about yourself. See answers to other questions

Tell me about your childhood. Simple, honest, fun

Tell me about something you believe in. humanity, the goodness in everyone

Tell me about a place you've visited. The hot, humid, bustling yet eerily quiet after dark streets of Dar Es Salaam

Tell me about an accident you've seen. A clapped out old hatchback hits another equally worn out sedan. An extended family of about 15 people emerge from the first car. There’s no real damage to the cars but the two drivers stand in the middle of the road yelling at each other and brandishing baseball bats for about 15 mins before they finally decide to do nothing, get back in their cars and drive away.

Tell me about a time when you were happy. When I hosted my first family Christmas

Tell me about a time when you were sad. When I found out an acquaintance of mine had died after suddenly falling very ill whilst travelling the world. he was very young.

Tell me about a time when you were excited. The first time I went to Zurich
Tell me about a time when you were frightened. As a kid having to get up in the middle of the night to go to the outside dunny at the back of the garden in the dark at my cousin’s holiday house

Tell me about your favorite pastime. Eating, drinking & laughing with friends/family

Tell me about chocolate. Sweet, sticky, addictive, comforting and guilt-ridden

Tell me about something with four legs. Toby the kelpie/dingo look-a-like with his distinctive eyebrows and bushy tail

Tell me about the hardest thing you ever had to do. I suspect the hardest things are still to come. Perhaps not the hardest, but hard was getting over the rejection of my first true love and getting on with life, building myself up in a place where I didn’t know anyone or anything.

Tell me about a time you lied. I told my sister I was going to the movies with a friend ‘cos I didn’t want to admit I was really going to see some loser guy, of course the friend rang while I was out blowing the alibi and requiring more lies, which were unlikely to have been believed by my sister, but she let me off.

Tell me about something you regret. Telling Emilia Murray I’d never liked her even though it wasn’t true and we’d been good friends for a number of years. Kids can be so mean

Tell me about a mistake you made. Accepting the PhD position I did.

Tell me about someone you envy? I cant think of any one person I envy as I’m fairly happy with myself, but I do envy some traits, characteristics or achievements of certain people e.g. the career and all-expenses paid lifestyle of a friend of mine, the beauty and physique of innumerable other women, the strength and courage of people like Ghandi, Aung San Suu Kyi and Martin Luther King etc

Anonymous said...

Tell me about something you love: Men and Music.
Tell me about something you hate: Poignant sarcasm to offend others because they are are unable to express there own feelings.
Tell me about something you really care about: my parents and myself
Tell me about someone you dislike: Topically, idiotic political discussion/decisisios about "health reform", pension system and non-smoking restaurants in Germany
Tell me about a dream you've had. Tunes, harmonics, rhythm.
Tell me about a goal you have: To start my music study.
Tell me about yourself: Ze German
Tell me about your childhood: Playing hockey in the streets with self-made sticks.
Tell me about something you believe in: if each individual only would listen more into him/her-self we'd discover much more than that what we know today. Which at least might be very helpful in daily life (o.k. eventually first it hurts)
Tell me about a place you've visited: Caribbean snorkel places.
Tell me about an accident you've seen: just my own
Tell me about a time when you were happy: too many time, not enough space here
Tell me about a time when you were sad: Murder of twins been in my class at primary school.
Tell me about a time when you were excited: Dating a dream of man:-)
Tell me about a time when you were frightened: going into the cellar after I have seen "Psycho"
Tell me about your favorite pastime: Band-workshop last weekend.
Tell me about chocolate: different to most people I love dark chocolate - therefore no fight about the last piece
Tell me about something with four legs: my car :-)
Tell me about the hardest thing you ever had to do: still in progress.
Tell me about a time you lied: I never lie ....(lalalalaaa)
Tell me about something you regret: Missing chances due to impatience
Tell me about a mistake you made: Not changing profession earlier.
Tell me about someone you envy? In case of admiration (envy=two differnt translations in German) John Coltrane

Witchbitch said...

Re mistake. Are you tired of hugging trees or whatever it is that you do?

Witchbitch said...

Re excited. Wanna hear more about the dream man...

Anonymous said...

"More questions"

I did not mean the recent date:-)) Actual date still needs to be discovered whether it's a dream man.
Will update after sunday.

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

The dream man may initially be a dream man, but my experience says that it always changes after a while. Perhaps it's just me being too judgmental :)
I wish you good luck on Sunday!