Monday, February 26, 2007


Was discussing a kitchen phenomenon with friendgirl this evening. Why is it that men can never fill up a dishwasher properly? They either put the plate in the middle of the empty dishwasher, or they don't rinse the plates or cutlery, or they put the knives with the sharp bit up (which means when you empty the washer you always cut your hand). Why, why, why? Is this genetic or just a training thing? To me it's common sense, but then again, I'm a woman :)


Anonymous said...

Its a tactic and the same reason why they cant seem to hang the washing out properly, or clean the bathroom well. If they do a botch job of it every time we get annoyed and wonder whats the point of them doing it when we have to redo it anyway and say that we might as well just do it ourselves. That way they dont have to actually do anything

Witchbitch said...

I thought it might be it's a waiting game really. How long will it take for them to learn? Or how long can we restrain ourselves before caving in?

Anonymous said...

... ask the men and be curious about the comment. and then give your version, your ideas... one good reason is money. good thing i am a gay men, do not have these problems at all - but guess with my boyfriend i would have, since he complained to me that his mum is never happy when he fills up the dishwasher... really looking forward.

Witchbitch said...

Sounds like your boyfriend is living with his Mum...