Tuesday, February 13, 2007


It struck me today that I have only one friendgirl who blogs. And she is lazy. Blogs only once a month or so. Which is not blogging by definition :) Funny that, since people tend to be attracted to other people with the same view of life, interests and the likes. But I like my friends. Wish they would blog more though :) By googling wikipedia I learned that I am an escribitionist... PS. An escribitionist is a person who keeps a diary or journal via electronic means, and in particular, publishes their entries on the world wide web.


Anonymous said...

so I looked up the definition of blogging in order to prove you wrong, seeing I was sure there'd be nothing about how often posting had to be, and instead proved myself wrong, boo hoo. according to the oxford english dictionary

blogging: The activity of writing or maintaining a weblog

weblog: A frequently updated web site consisting of personal observations, excerpts from other sources, etc., typically run by a single person, and usually with hyperlinks to other sites; an online journal or diary.

Anonymous said...

I'm not lazy, I'm just easily distracted by things like work and 'living' even though you accuse me (and astronauts) of not knowing how to do that ;)
well actually, I am lazy, but that doesnt mean the rest isnt true also.

Witchbitch said...

I guess there is something to be said about experience vs over-education :)

Didn't accuse you per se, you're the exception from the rule...