Friday, February 16, 2007


Sometimes I steal blog ideas from other people (mainly because I don't have enough interesting things to write about myself :)...anyway, this one was funny I thought because it included ze Swiss. What is heaven? A British police. A German engineer. An Italian lover. A Swiss politician. A French cook. What is hell? A German police. A French engineer. A Swiss lover. An Italian politician. A British cook. I'm just not so sure a Swiss politician is the dream. And ze Swiss lovers are not THAT bad :)


Anonymous said...

.... at least the "little Swiss" is bigger than the average of many other counties one - e.g. India. Even women say it is not that important - I know from own experiences - it is.

Anonymous said...

To steal is never a problem as long it is knowledge. somehow we need to get smart, there are few people who teach you things to improve...

Witchbitch said...

Size matters, what else is new?

Good point, so it's not stealing, it's sharing ideas :)