Monday, February 26, 2007

Cold water

One of the comments said to drink lukewarm tap water. Yesterday however I was told to drink cold tap water. Apparently cold water makes your metabolism work harder or use the energy in your body to heat it up (cannot remember which), so that you actually lose weight by drinking cold water. Now, I like fizzy water (that I make myself with the soda machine...basically tap water and bubbles). Besides, when I drink too much cold water I get the hiccups :) The question is now whom to trust? PS. It reminds me of somebody who told me that ice-cream makes you lose weight, just because your body uses so much energy to heat up the cold ice-cream, that you burn more calories than you eat. I like that theory!


Anonymous said...

dont trust either of em, they're both talking wishful thinking shite.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, but at least it's 0 calories in water :)

Anonymous said...

... my advise - trink at least one to two glas water before you start eating. you will have less appetite, since your stomach is already "feed up" with something...

Witchbitch said...

Yes, will try to.

Anonymous said...

"Cold Water"

There are a lot of theories. I think the best is listen to your body.

My experience how to lose weight is:

Just eat and drink everything you like but less than you are used to. And "listen" to your belly. Stop eating at the moment you feel less hungry even if you think you are not satiated. It takes approx 10 to 20 min to get the information from the belly to the brain.

That's what I do and always with success.

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

It's going well so far, but I forgot the water before lunch. At least I'm not hungry.

Anonymous said...

doesnt work for me, I drink water all day and still have a massive appetite

Witchbitch said...

I tend to agree. I have drunk a lot of water today, and all I do is going to the toilet. Didn't give me a sense of being full.