Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bathroom business I

Do we likey? Obviously without the horrible pattern, just pure shiny white.
Just FYI this is the latest fashion in wash basins. Learned that corners are in, and softer lines are totally out.
This is again a whole science, just as difficult as shopping kitchens.
Today I ordered this one and a smaller standard one for the guest bathroom. Only the best for me, the guests will have to do with less luxury :).
Then there were the taps, where I will have the same ones in both bathrooms. And you should've seen the shower! Totally absolutely cool. It's like a panel with a top shower, a shoulder shower, massage thingies and a lose shower that you can use anywhere. Everything closes into a panel on the wall, so you won't even know what it is. But on the other hand, what else would it be than a shower in a shower room?
The toilets will have lids that close themselves, you only have to give it a little push. Nice feature for men.
Next will be to meet with the electricity guy and the tile people. This is just too exciting!


Anonymous said...

very nice indeed. I am a fan of those square sinks I must admit, but yes, without the pattern sounds good.the shower sounds very complicated though ;)

Witchbitch said...

And for my less technical friends there will be a standard shower in the guest bathroom ;)