Friday, April 04, 2008


Unfortunately I never got around to take the test for getting a boat license. Not enough lessons, not enough time. But when I changed from one insurance company to another they asked me why the boat certificate held the name of the previous owner. Eh? Because I ignored it, and thought it wouldn't matter would be the answer. So they helped me. This is unheard of in Switzerland. I sent the old certificate in, filled in a form and voila. Today it arrived. A boat certificate in my name. Wow. And I now understand the insurance agents uncertainty because when I asked him if it was the blue thingy he needed he didn't know. Turns out the license I got is brown. Tell me somebody what the reason would be to change colour? As soon as you get used to something it has to change. Probably because change is supposedly good. But is change always good? Only if it is for the better if you ask me. And blue is certainly better than brown...

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