Saturday, April 12, 2008

Male flaws

Haha. Am finding out more about CG every day. And he really is a very nice guy, but there is no denying he's still a man. It must be genetics. Otherwise, why is it that only a man doesn't know how to close cupboard doors? Every time I come into the kitchen I start with closing all the doors that he opened. Ok, so it's a good way of keeping track what he eats and does in the kitchen :), but why is that? My ex was exactly the same. My ex was also ignorant when I placed the trashbag in front of the door, so that he would have to move it to get out. He did and didn't even realize that he did it, it was natural for him. Same with CG. I placed a washbucket in the hallway so that he wouldn't miss it. But of course he just stepped over it without realizing there was a task to be done. I tell ya. Men! Can't live with them, can't shoot'm.

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