Thursday, April 24, 2008

Search engine

This is what you guys search for when finding my blog: 1. zurilife (thank you, means you go directly to my blog!) 2. americans in zurich (haha, they will be sorely disappointed) 3. apfelkammer zürich (yeah, place to recommend) 4. zurich sex (wonder just how disappointed these people will be?) 5. böögg 2008 (yes he burned this year too) 6. gay orchids (why search for this?) 7. mr schweiz (ok, he's goodlooking but doesn't seem to be all that) 8. sex toys zurich (haha, wrong blog!) 9. hopp-schwiiz (why?) 10. mr schweiz 2008 (I don't even have a pic of this guy) Google analytics is interesting.

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