Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Plague or cholera

I cannot decide which one is worst, screaming children or smelly people. Always thought it was those children who showed they had lung capacity, and parents who didn't care. On a flight that is. Otherwise I don't care. Can always put telly on mute. But yesterday on the flight to Barcelona I was placed in a aisle seat, with two goodlooking guys next to me. You would think that would be like hitting the jackpot, but alas no. The windowseat smelled like he had slept on the street for the last two weeks. And being Spanish he was having a vivid body language, and every time he moved his hands the smell hit me like a train (one of those see the end of tunnel being a good thing, but unfortunately it was a train coming at ya). Middle seat guy was bad but not that. I tell ya. I was leaning towards the aisle the whole flight, it was horrible. The things I put up with. Next time I will tell them. But how? How do you tell a stranger that he smells like something coming up of my shower drain? I thought I was a bitch, but obviously not enough of one. Have to work on it.


Anonymous said...

' The Plague (;)) or cholera'
and even if you did tell him it probably wouldnt help you since there's not much he could do about it on the plane - except look sheepish and wave his arms less.
how come people dont realise when they stink?

Witchbitch said...

And how come the crew let him board the plane?