Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I do not often write about politics. It’s not because I do not have an opinion, it’s because my blog is harmless. I only heckle people I know, but now I gotta tell you apropos the French government forbidding burkhas. I think they are doing the right thing, and I’ll tell you why. I come from Scandinavia, and some 30 years ago white middle-aged men told me on the question why only men got promoted that “these things take time”. I.e. shuddup you young woman, here are serious men in charge. I for one am tired of waiting, and when “the market” doesn’t fix it then legislation is necessary. And do not tell me that women choose to wear a curtain before their face. Naaaw weeey. Am I a feminist? Hell yeah. I got a brain. Feminism for me means equal rights for men and women, equal pay for the same job. The US has something about 67% pay for women where the men get 100%. Scandinavia is better, it’s some 94% pay for women. Is that enough? Of course not. So again, when “the market” doesn’t regulate itself it is the duty of the government to step in and set things right. Just like yesterday when I watched the Swiss news about the government stepping in giving the reckless big banks (UBS & Credit Suisse) harder rules to obey to. Just like they deserve after giving out gazillions of bonuses to useless managers, at the same time announcing huge losses which normal people have to pay for in the end. Burkha-verbot, YES!

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