Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Latino in my house

I sense it got a bit serious there, so thought it's time for something lighter. Got a present the other day, aroma candles. I like presents, especially when it's consumables (no dust-collectors for me thank you very much). Candles are nice. After about a week or so I decided it was time to unwrap them and put them in a nice place. Chose the dining table. Then I was sitting at my computer, and was thinking that it smells funny. Like a latino man. Was looking around, and didn't find any in the immediate vicinity. Strange. Until I realized it was the aroma candles. And in particular one, the green one. Decided to lit it up and burn it down a bit, but it still gives off a very strong whiff of latino man, i.e. strong sweet perfume. But have decided that the thought was nice, and as long as I don't have to have an Italian stallion in my bed I'm fine. PS. An Italian stallion au naturel wouldn't be so bad!


John DePalma said...

yes..and I hear they burn nicely..and don't spill wax all over the place!

Witchbitch said...

No waxing, I promise ;).