Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lame duck

So tomorrow I will cook the famous duck. Since I realized how big a bird it actually is (2kg's), I decided to invite some more people than the one originally planned. Now we're five. Four women and one man, who thinks he will get a word in. Haha. I want to buy myself some time preparing this duck, so in case it will not be finished on time I have planned some wild pig meat (bought ready sliced), fresh figs with goat cheese, together with cucumber sticks to dip in tzatziki as a starter. That should keep'm busy for a while. Will serve the starter on the bar counter, so that the guests can either be impressed with me preparing, or laugh at me trying. Either way, it's good entertainment. The duck will be prepared with apple stuffing, spices and whatsit. But the real tricky part will be to make the sauce. I'm trying to think if I ever made a sauce, but think not. Challenge! Duck to be served with oven-baked potatoes, coarse-grained salt and fresh rosmarin. One guest promised to bring a nice red wine to go with, and another one will bring dessert. A little help from your friends is never wrong. Think it'll be a fab evening!

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