Thursday, September 23, 2010


I am pretty good in deleting mobile numbers when I haven't heard from people in a long time. Also when I haven't had a response. Every so often I go thru the list, and did so today (after cleaning up my paper pile, scrubbing half the balcony and shopping for tomorrow - yes, bragging), and found a number of a guy I used to know some 10+ years ago. We stayed in touch, he used to phone me on my birthday (always felt bad I didn't know his) and catch up a little, but I think we haven't communicated the last 5 years. Probably my fault. But today was the day. I sent him an sms and got a response "What? Who?". Sent back saying "have you had more than one Annika as a manager?". Response: "Who do you think you are writing to?". This is when I realized how long ago it was we communicated. Guess the mobile phone companies give the same number to a new client after some time. Anyway, we ended on a good note, whoever I was writing to. Told him/her I would delete the number and thanked him/her for letting me know. Now I gotta find the guy, and I refuse facebook but happen to have a friend in Norway who might know...


Anonymous said...

Somebody I know?

Witchbitch said...

Well, at least you used to. You were first working for me, then JH came in...memory coming back?

Anonymous said...

Do you want his contact details? I can e-mail it to you. I have him as a friend on Facebook.

Witchbitch said...

Got it, thanks.