Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out and about in town the whole day

Friend of mine from England was visiting today, and we met up in a tapas bar in town. Of course I had a bit of trouble finding it, since I'm not used to posh places. But the tapas were all right, and it was good seeing my friend again. There were a group of people who I met before, and it was good fun. These people don't take prisoners.
And as usual my friend (who used to live here in Zürich) dragged us all to the Splendid bar, a place where they charge you half an arm for a glass of wine. But they do have live piano playing, so once in a while I can get along with it.
It also brought back some memories from the time she used to live here...oh the hangovers! And I'm sorry I won't make it for the Halloween in the UK. I have enough trouble getting my arms around this travelling to Bulgaria!

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