Thursday, September 02, 2010


The reason I have many friends is that I am available. And if I'm not, I make myself. I take time to maintain friendship, because no friends will stay if you never take time to meet.
When I grew up internet didn't exist, there was no twitter, blog, sms or email. As kids we simply went to ring the door of the friend, often having the parent open and then asking "can so-and-so come out and play?".
Reflecting now some thirty years later I realize how right we were. There is still nothing like personal meetings. And I had one today. Inviting another person who chose not to join. Too bad, because meeting people is fun!


Anonymous said...

oh please, sometimes people really are just tired and want to stay in, that doesnt have to have anything to do with the internet etc. Unless she said she wasnt coming 'cos she wanted to stay at home to IM/text/email people - that would just be lame

Witchbitch said...


Anonymous said...

To who ever you are,
Thank you!!! Had a very hard day at work so had to pass on the spontaneous invite sent same day!

Witchbitch said...

Glad to be able to bring you people together :)